Friday 21 August 2015

Queen of Hearts (Alice in Wonderland)

Off with her head!

In 2013 my Halloween costume was the Queen of Hearts from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. In April this year, my husband and I got married with an Alice theme. Suffice it to say, I'm quite fond of the story. Carroll's Alice novels are in my top 10 of literature, and I enjoy the movies greatly. Except for the Burton 2010 live action adaptation. That, I'm afraid, was a travesty. So when I saw that there were 'more' Alice in Wonderland Pops announced, I was excited at first, especially when I saw the Queen of Hearts on the list. That is, until I realised they would be Pops from the Burton version.

My heart sank. The disappointment I felt in being teased with the possibility of the Disney QoH prompted me to consider a custom. My time in the Pop community had meant I'd seen my fair share of custom jobs, but they seemed so expensive. I figured it was worth dropping $15 on a DIY female and giving it a shot myself. I mean, what was the worst that could happen?

This is one bad-ass woman. That's right, you'd better bow down and worship me!

When I made this, I didn't know much about Pop customising tricks. I did this custom with the head on the whole time, I didn't know to reposition the limbs and I didn't know how to give support to added pieces. I'm writing this with only a couple of weeks experience, and already I can see how much I've grown as a customiser. 

For my first attempt though, I think she turned out fairly well. I'm a pretty harsh critic on myself, so I am not blind to the flaws, but I have to be realistic. She was my starting point, and I'm proud of how I managed.

The Run Down:

Base Pop/s: DIY white female

Biggest Challenges: Painting on the eyelashes and eyebrows drove me nuts! I didn't have a superfine brush, and they just didn't want to look even.

How I'd Improve It: I'm not satisfied with the crown, as it's more a tiara (anything more just wasn't working for me on the day). Making a round, pointed crown, using wire as a base for stability, would be the approach I'd take if I had a do-over. I'd also reposition one of the arms, drill a small hole and give her the heart scepter.  

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