Friday 21 August 2015

Matt (my friend)

A very special birthday present

I happen to share my birthday with one of my closest friends, a guy named Matt. Anyone who knows me knows that when it comes to birthdays, I consider them very important! I'm terrible when it comes to surprises, too, which is why I gave Matt his present back in May; I just like making my loved ones happy now, not later. It's our birthdays next week though, and I wanted to do something extra for him for the actual day.

I've only posted 2 completed Pops on this blog so far, but looking around my computer I can see another 4 that are in various stages of progress. Each one has been teaching and developing my skills at customising, for which I'm grateful, as I really didn't want to attempt to give Matt a shoddy Pop clone of himself.

I won't put up a picture of the man this pop is based off, for the sake of his privacy, but rest assured that it's a darn good likeness. The floppy sandy-coloured hair, the leather jacket and grey's Matt alright.

The clincher of course was the trombone in his hand. The rest was easy- the trombone was the daunting part of creating this custom. It's his baby, and I knew that a super dodgy job would just irk him. Is it a perfect replica trombone? Nah. But for a paperclip and some clay, I think it's decent enough.

The Run Down:

Base Pop/s: Ron Weasley (Harry Potter 02)

Biggest Challenges: Definitely the trombone!

How I'd Improve It: Sanding the trombone. I was really scared about breaking it, so I didn't sand it smoother when I know I should have. I just didn't want to have to make another one!

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