Wednesday 26 August 2015

Vulpix (Pokemon)

Vulpix, I choose you!

I've loved Pokemon since I got Pokemon Blue and a Gameboy Pocket for my 10th birthday. I think I was born at just the right time, the Pokemon sweet spot, because I was old enough to enjoy it and grow up with it. In 1999, year 5 at school, I had an assignment on what I thought was the greatest invention of the millenium. Did I choose anything that has had widespread influence on our society? Yes, yes I did. Pokemon. I got an A, naturally.

My favourite has always been Vulpix. It's an adorable little fire-type fox with 6 tails. Vulpix can be calm, graceful, beautiful, but don't piss it off or you'll get a flamethrower to the face. I like that; I can relate to that seemingly innocent exterior. A couple of years ago I cemented my love for Vulpix with my first tattoo. Now that I've gotten in Pop customs, it seemed only natural to create this cute little spitfire.

I used Ghost from Game of Thrones because it not only gave me a pretty good starting shape to work with, but the white colour made painting an easier task down the track. For the tails, I put one layer of the six using the original tail as a support structure. I baked this, then proceeded to slice away most of the original tail before doing the back of the tails. If I hadn't done this, they would have been far too thick and ugly. I also added some little touches to give it personality, like the foot raised and the head cocked. I don't know about you, but I think it's just the cutest!

The Run Down:

Base Pop/s: Ghost (Game of Thrones 19)

Biggest Challenges: Making the 6 tails of Vulpix

How I'd Improve It: Getting the base colour a little different. Everything I tried to mix just didn't feel right, but in the end I went with what was closest.

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